ukončit historii
Th 20.9.2024 2:06 am


Supreme Burgrave´s House
Prague Castle
Faculty of Music AMU
Lichtenstejnsky Palace
Merry Wives of Windsor - reserved
26.6. Fr
Merry Wives of Windsor - reserved
28.6. SuMerry Wives of Windsor
29.6. Mo
30.6. TuMerry Wives of Windsor
01.7. WeMerry Wives of Windsor
02.7. ThMerry Wives of Windsor Macbeth
03.7. FrMerry Wives of Windsor Macbeth
04.7. SaMerry Wives of Windsor Macbeth
05.7. SuMerry Wives of Windsor Macbeth
06.7. Mo Macbeth
07.7. TuMerry Wives of WindsorThe Tempest Macbeth
08.7. WeMerry Wives of WindsorThe Tempest Macbeth
09.7. ThMerry Wives of Windsor - reservedThe Tempest Macbeth
10.7. FrMerry Wives of WindsorThe Tempest Macbeth
11.7. SaMerry Wives of WindsorThe Tempest Macbeth
12.7. SuMerry Wives of WindsorThe TempestAntony and CleopatraMacbeth
13.7. Mo Antony and CleopatraMacbeth
14.7. TuMerry Wives of Windsor - reservedThe TempestAntony and CleopatraMacbeth
15.7. WeMerry Wives of Windsor - reservedThe TempestAntony and CleopatraMacbeth
16.7. Th The Tempest Macbeth
17.7. FrPREMIERE Antony and CleopatraThe Tempest Macbeth Merry Wives of Windsor
18.7. SaAntony and CleopatraThe Tempest Commedy of Errors - PaS de théâtreMacbeth Merry Wives of Windsor
19.7. SuAntony and CleopatraThe Tempest Commedy of Errors - PaS de théâtreMacbeth Merry Wives of Windsor
20.7. MoAntony and Cleopatra As you like itMerry Wives of Windsor
21.7. TuAntony and CleopatraThe Tempest Commedy of Errors - PaS de théâtreAs you like it
22.7. WeAntony and CleopatraThe TempestMerry Wives of Windsor Commedy of Errors - PaS de théâtreAs you like it
23.7. ThAntony and CleopatraThe TempestMerry Wives of Windsor - reserved Commedy of Errors - PaS de théâtre
24.7. FrAntony and CleopatraThe TempestMerry Wives of Windsor Commedy of Errors - PaS de théâtre
25.7. SaAntony and CleopatraThe TempestMerry Wives of Windsor Commedy of Errors - PaS de théâtre
26.7. SuAntony and CleopatraThe Tempest Commedy of Errors - PaS de théâtre
27.7. Mo Commedy of Errors Commedy of Errors - PaS de théâtre
28.7. Tu Commedy of Errors - PaS de théâtre Commedy of ErrorsAntony and Cleopatra The Tempest
29.7. We Commedy of Errors - PaS de théâtre Commedy of ErrorsAntony and Cleopatra The Tempest
30.7. Th Commedy of Errors - PaS de théâtre Commedy of ErrorsAntony and Cleopatra The Tempest
31.7. Fr Antony and Cleopatra
01.8. SaCommedy of Errors MacbethAntony and Cleopatra A Midsummer Night's Dream
02.8. SuCommedy of ErrorsAs you like itMacbethAntony and Cleopatra A Midsummer Night's Dream
03.8. MoCommedy of ErrorsAs you like itMacbeth A Midsummer Night's Dream
04.8. TuCommedy of ErrorsAs you like itMacbethMerry Wives of Windsor A Midsummer Night's Dream
05.8. WeCommedy of ErrorsAs you like it Merry Wives of Windsor
06.8. ThCommedy of ErrorsAs you like it - reserved Merry Wives of WindsorA Midsummer Night's Dream
07.8. FrCommedy of ErrorsAs you like it Merry Wives of WindsorA Midsummer Night's Dream
08.8. SaCommedy of ErrorsAs you like it A Midsummer Night's Dream
09.8. SuCommedy of ErrorsAs you like it
10.8. MoCommedy of Errors
11.8. TuCommedy of ErrorsAs you like it
12.8. WeCommedy of ErrorsAs you like it
13.8. ThCommedy of Errors
14.8. FrCommedy of Errors
15.8. SaCommedy of Errors
16.8. SuCommedy of Errors
17.8. MoCommedy of Errors
18.8. TuCommedy of Errors
19.8. WeCommedy of Errors
20.8. ThCommedy of Errors
21.8. FrMuch Ado About Nothing
22.8. SaA Midsummer Night's Dream
23.8. SuMuch Ado About Nothing
24.8. Mo
26.8. WeMacbeth
27.8. ThMacbeth
28.8. FrMacbeth
29.8. SaMacbeth
30.8. SuMacbeth
31.8. Mo
01.9. TuMerry Wives of Windsor
02.9. WeMerry Wives of Windsor
03.9. ThMerry Wives of Windsor